Unleash Your Inner Leader!

Empowering The Entrepreneurial Mindset

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Begin Your Journey With Us By Your Side!

As your trusted partner, we believe that every journey should include three essential components:


    1. Knowing your starting point: identifying where you are!

    2. A genuine destination: embracing your true aspirations!

    3. A successful roadmap: knowing each step needed to ensure your successful at reaching your destination!

These steps may seem trivial – but they are LIFE CHANGING!!

Find out for yourself! Schedule a free call with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Exactly Is Coaching?

Coaching is strategic dialogue (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and the Client. It is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize his/her professional potential. It is meant to facilitate the creation/development of professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals.

Sample Coaching Agreement

How Do I Know if Coaching Is Right for Me?

The principal rule in Coaching is that you – the Client – are in the drivers seat. Unlike consulting or counseling, the purpose of coaching is to clear any fog that limits your  your professional development. This is a personal investment in your career trajectory. As you work with your Coach, you will become more efficient at decision-making and personal accountability throughout all aspects of your career. The sense of accomplishment is empowering!

Do You Only Work With Established Companies?

Not at all! In fact, our aim is to bring corporate level coaching expertise to individuals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. Our partnership with GB Entertainment is designed to help the artist develop a marketing and content strategy that meets their individual goals. Our ICF accredited staff members will work with anyone who is ready to invest in themselves or their employees – from CEO’s to aspiring high school students and everyone in-between!

Do You Offer Ongoing Services?

Absolutely! Whether the Service is Coaching, Consulting, or Counseling, the process is ongoing. We take the necessary steps and precautions to ensure that our strategies are effective the first time around. As your conditions improve, your needs will change, and so must your plans! We are in this together – from the start to the finish!

Discover Incredible Stories from our Satisfied Customers:

Arthur demonstrated wisdom beyond his years as he gave me strength and confidence. I was able to end an abusive relationship and move on to become emotionally healthy. Since then I overcame a shame based nature due to the years of abuse. I was able to move forward. I ran for and served on the City Council in my home town for 8 years as well as continued to work full time as a Therapist in a nearby hospital. My experience is a positive lifechanging example of what Arthur’s support and encouragement can do for someone. I am eternally grateful for Arthur’s more than positive influence on my life.

C. D., Minnesota

Mother, Therapist, Survivor

Once I started working with Arthur, I was able to clear the chaos and get out from the fog that I was stuck in. He was patient, he always followed through with what he said, and he was able to talk me through so many situations when I was broken. He provided me with guidance, setting goals, and sticking to them. After helping me process through some extremely difficult situations, I was able to start rebuilding myself and started to see things so much different. I started to learn who I was and what l brought to the table. I was able to walk away from my toxic relationship, with my head held high with out doubting myself. I have a whole new life now, and Arthur still keeps me in check and on track. I will be using his services for as long as he will put up with me.

N.R., Illinois

Successful Entrepreneur

When I met Arthur I was reluctant to ask myself the questions that would would change my business. I wasted a year pretending that I needed to do anything differently, then I made the wonderful decision to ask him to become my business coach. His questioning, guidance and expertise are unrivaled. Don’t waste another minute. Take the opportunity to see how he can indeed change your life!

K. B., Ohio

Woman of God, Entrepreneur




